Rescue crews, aerial searchers on the lookout for missing skier at B.C. resort (2025)

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Rescue crews, aerial searchers on the lookout for missing skier at B.C. resort (1)

Canadian Press

Published Dec 12, 20241 minute read

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Rescue crews, aerial searchers on the lookout for missing skier at B.C. resort (2)

A skier has gone missing at a resort in the British Columbia Interior, and ground- and air-based search crews are canvassing the area for any sign of him.

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Rescue crews, aerial searchers on the lookout for missing skier at B.C. resort (3)


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Sun Peaks Resort says in a statement that 68-year-old Tomasz Jaholkowski was last seen on Tuesday at its West Bowl chairlift on Tod Mountain, northeast of Kamloops.

The resort says the missing skier, who appeared to be alone, was seen in surveillance video mid-morning Tuesday but had no further lift scans that day.

A release from the Tk’emlups Rural RCMP Detachment says they received the missing person’s report Wednesday, noting the man did “not appear to have returned to his hotel room” nor did he make any contact with others since Tuesday.

The statement says RCMP and Kamloops Search and Rescue are now involved in the search effort, which includes helicopters and drones as well as search teams on the ground.

Sun Peaks Resort has released images of Jaholkowski in an effort to help skiers on the hill that day recall possible encounters with the man with the red jacket, which may help the search effort.

Jaholkowski is described as a Caucasian male about five feet eight-inches tall, and 180 pounds, with grey hair and brown eyes.

Along with the red ski jacket, he was wearing dark ski pants and a dark tuque when he was last seen.

Sun Peaks Resort is located about 400 kilometres northeast of Vancouver.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 12, 2024.

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Rescue crews, aerial searchers on the lookout for missing skier at B.C. resort (2025)
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